
实验室成员 -- 导师











2008年本科毕业于浙江大学生物技术专业; 2013年获复旦大学生物化学与分子生物学博士学位,是MCB自己培养的博士生。2014-2019年在美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校Lineberger癌症中心做博士后,从事蛋白质泛素化修饰和遗传性侏儒症的研究。2019年底受聘复旦大学,全职回国工作。以第一作者或共同通讯作者在Journal of Hepatology、Journal of Clinical Investigation, Cell Reports, Oncogene等杂志上发表过研究论文。





1.Zeng, Y. R. , Song, J. B., Wang, D. Z. ,. . . Guan, K. L., Ye, D., Wang, P. (2023). The immunometabolite itaconate stimulates OXGR1 to promote mucociliary clearance during the pulmonary innate immune response. J Clin Invest, 2023 Mar 15;133(6):e160463.


2.Sun, R. Q. , Zhang, Z. Y., Bao, R. X. ,. . . Shi, Y. H., Wang, P.*, Ye, D. (2022).Loss of SIRT5 promotes bile acid-induced immunosuppressive microenvironment and hepatocarcinogenesis. J Hepatol,2022 Mar 12;S0168-8278(22)00139-8


3.Wang P., Yan F., Li Z., Yu Y., Parnell S., Xiong Y. (2019) Impaired plasma membrane localization of ubiquitin ligase complex underlies 3-M syndrome development. J Clin Invest 130:4393-4407



4.Wang P., Wu J., Ma S., Zhang L., Yao J., Hoadley KA., Wilkerson MD., Perou CM., Guan KL., Ye D., Xiong Y. (2015) Oncometabolite D-2-Hydroxyglutarate Inhibits ALKBH DNA Repair Enzymes and Sensitizes IDH Mutant Cells to Alkylating Agents. Cell Reports 22;13(11):2353-61



5.Wang, P., Dong, QZ., Zhang, C., Kuan, PF., Liu, YF., Jeck, WR., Jiang, WQ., Savich, GL., Tan, TX., Andersen, JB., J. Auman, JY., Hoskins, JM., Misher, AD., Moser, CD., Yourstone, SM.,  Kim, JW., Cibulskis, K., Getz, G., Hunt, HV., Thorgeirsson, SS., Roberts, LR.,  Ye, D., Guan, K-L., Xiong, Y. , Qin, L-X. , Chiang, DY. (2013)  Mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 occur frequently in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas and share hypermethylation targets with glioblastomas . Oncogene 32(25):3091-100



6.Wang Y., Xiao M., Chen X., Chen L., Xu Y., Lv L., Wang P., Yang H., Ma S., Lin H., Jiao B., Ren R., Ye D., Guan KL., Xiong Y. (2015) WT1 recruits TET2 to regulate its target gene expression and suppress leukemia cell proliferation. Mol Cell 19;57(4):662-673.



7.Xu,W., Yang,H., Liu,Y., Yang,Y., Wang,P., Kim,S-H., Ito S., Yang,C., Wang,P., Xiao,M-T., Liu,L-X., Jiang,W-Q., Liu,J.,Zhang,J-Y., Wang,B., Frye,S., Zhang,Y., Xu,Y-H., Lei, Q-Y., Guan,K-L., Zhao,S-M., and Xiong,Y., (2011) Oncometabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate is a competitive inhibitor of α-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases. Cancer Cell 19:17-30.



8.Zhao, S-M., Xu, W., Jiang, W-Q., Zha, Z-Y., Wang, P., Li, Z-Q., Gong, L-L., Peng, Y-J., Ding, J-P., Lei, Q-Y., Guan, K-L., Xiong, Y., (2009) Glioma-Derived Mutations in IDH1 Dominantly Inhibit IDH1 Catalytic Activity and Induce HIF-1a. Science, 324:261-265